McHarg is using “Shout Outs” to recognize Exceptional Bobcat Behavior at School.
Content: Last year McHarg started Shout Outs for students we notice following our school wide expectations of being safe, respectful, and peaceful. This year, we want to continue to recognize students who are being exceptional. Shout Outs can be submitted by anyone in the school. This year we created a Shoutout bulletin board in which students' shout out forms along with a picture will hang for a period of time. We are also setting monthly goals of how many Shout Outs we want to get in the month. If we meet that goal we will have a school wide monthly event on the last Thursday of that month. Our goal for August was 20 shout outs. We have already doubled that goal and will have a crazy sock day on Thursday, August 31st!
We plan to send the Shout Out forms home with students as we rotate through the space on the board. We find students are really excited about the Shout Outs which are read live on our Good Morning McHarg daily announcements. You can watch this daily broadcast by finding the Daily News Broadcast button on our homepage.